Diabetes and its root cause

Diabetes, Obesity, Fatty Liver and Metabolic Disorders can be linked one to another as they are closely inter-related. These disorders occur due to Insulin Resistance build up at the cellular level. Further, due to diabetics variety host of other diseases manifest such as Foot Ulcers, un healing wounds, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, renal disease, cataract, retinopathy, cardio vascular diseases etc.,

Today, world believes that Insulin production reduction leads to Diabetes which is incorrect. Ofcourse Type-1 Diabetes is due to Insulin insufficiency. Fact is that today’s world does not care much about quantity of Insulin produced in the body which gives more insight details of the Diabetes disorder.

My research points to Insulin resistance is the root cause and chief culprit of these disorders. Due to Insulin resistance more and more Insulin is required to maintain the Blood Glucose level. More the Insulin in circulation, more the Fat produced by the Liver.

My Theory behind Insulin Resistance

Because Insulin receptor sites at cellular level are plugged with another compound ( a steroid) which has more affinity, Insulin is left out non-acting resulting in high Blood Sugar levels. This free insulin in Blood travels all over the body and in Liver it is sensed as more blood sugar is available in the system unutilized. Liver in turn synthesis this sugar to Fat for storage and future use. Depending on the body profile this Fat is deposited in the belly which results in an apple shape of the belly over a period of time. This Fat is the root cause for the Obesity, Fatty Liver and Metabolic disorders.

This steroid which has ability to block the Insulin at Insulin receptor sites is progesterone, a hormone. Excess of this hormone molecules in the body plays havoc on the Insulin receptor sites, neuro-receptor sites at synapses as it easily micks the target molecules. Precise mechanism by which progesterone causes insulin resistance is so far unknown and further research is going on. We welcome researchers on this area for collaboration.

My research points to that taking more and more Insulin results in more Fat accumulation in the body, obesity etc., On the otherhand Insulin is not taken, Blood Glucose level will stand high. Saying it other way, oneway it is Fat accumulation, otherway it is High Blood Sugar level. Both are not good to the healthy living and have its own long term undesirable health troubles.


According to my research, removing the unwanted Progesterone molecules from the Insulin receptor sites is the solution to the problem.

Mifepristone, a antiprogestogen receptor blocker and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonism activity and this drug seems to be potentially very useful in reducing the Insulin Resistance.

Further research is to be carried out on this.


I can provide a detailed research paper on enquiry. I welcome you to work with me to validate this theory acceptable and workable practically. As you know this have many valuable beneficial applications for long term health of patients. 

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Narayanan Lakshmanan

Narayanan, Founder and Managing Director of the SiliconLabs Pvt limited company , ME-Instrumentation from MIT, worked in Apollo Hospitals as Chief Biomedical Engineer , and as R&D Manager in sanmar Electronics, and in USA having more than 35 years of experience. holds 7 patents including international patents



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